2nd Workshop

Second MEGHA-TROPIQUES Scientific Workshop
Paris July 2-6, 2001

Links to the Acrobat PDF version of the proceeding.


1st Session : Presentation of the Megha-Tropiques Mission
Chairman R. Narasimha
D. Borel (CNES representative) Welcome and Introduction
M.S. Narayanan Introduction,  presentation of the Indian delegation
M. Desbois General objectives and principles, presentation of the French delegation
G. Raju The organisation of the project in India/ISRO
N. Karouche The organisation of the project in France/CNES
P. Batista The view of ESA on GPM and Megha-Tropiques


2nd Session : Scientific problems and objectives
Chairwoman  L. Eymard 

R. Sadourny  Issues on tropical systems and climate
J. Srinivasan Energy and moisture budgets of the tropical convective systems
J.-L. Redelsperger Actual issues in mesoscale tropical convective systems understanding : the experience of  experimental campaigns  and mesoscale  modelling
R. Narasimha New scaling arguments for low-wind eddy fluxes
N.C. Mohanty Intraseasonal variability of the summer monsoon over India (Soon Available)
R. Roca  High resolution observations of free tropospheric humidity from METEOSAT over the Indian Ocean
Kusuma Rao METEOSAT observations of the modulation of the Indian summer monsoon over intraseasonal scales (Soon Available)
J.-Ph Duvel  Scale Interaction between Mesoscale Convective Systems and Intraseasonal Oscillations over the Indian Ocean Region
A. K. Mitra  and  S. Das Representation of Deep Moist Convection In NCMRWF  Global T80 Analysis / Forecast System:  Results From Different  Experiments
K. Laval Simulation of Monsoon disturbances in LMD GCM
F. Roux Tropical cyclone issues and other climatic risks in tropical area


3rd Session : Presentation of the Megha-Tropiques instruments
Chairman M.S. Narayanan 

G. Raju  / C. Goldstein the Madras instrument on Megha Tropiques
M. Gheudin / L. Eymard the Saphir instrument on Megha Tropiques
F. Sirou / M. Viollier the ScaRaB instrument on Megha Tropiques
M. Capderou the specificity of the Megha-Tropiques orbit

4 th Session : Algorithms and data processing : precipitation
Chairman M. Desbois

N. Viltard the experience of precipitation retrieval from TRMM
R. Gairola rainfall and other parameters from TMI/TRMM
I. Jobard Status of satellite retrieval of rainfall at different scales using multi-source data 
PK Pal, N Agarwal and CM Kishtawal Vertical structure of rainfall from TRMM-PR data for assimilation in GCM
Peter Bauer and Virginie Marécal Assimilation of rainfall from TRMM in the ECMWF model


5th Session : Algorithms and data processing : surface properties and fluxes
Chairman  J. Srinivasan 

M.S. Narayanan Marine Observations from Indian Oceansat-1 and Stratification over the Arabian Sea
D. Bourras / L. Eymard  retrieval of sea surface heat fluxes from microwave measurements
M. Viollier restitution of Longwave and Shortwave radiative fluxes from combinations of ScaRaB and Meteosat data

6th Session : Algorithms and data processing : water vapour and multiparameter retrieval
Chairman  J. Srinivasan

R.C. Bhatia  Validation of water vapour and wind speed products dérive from MSMR payload onboard IRS_P4 Satellite and meteorological applications of data products
S. Franquet, N. Scott  Simulations of radiative transfer in the Saphir channels in the perspective of WV profiles retrievals
B.S. Gohil Simulation studies for humidity profile retrieval from SAPHIR
E. Obligis Mutiparameter retrieval from microwave data. Part 1 : data base and direct model
R. Gairola Mutiparameter retrieval from microwave data. Part 2 : Inversion