Author Archive: Administrator
31 janvier 2008
An ISRO-IIST delegation was visiting the Ecole Polytechnique, at Palaiseau on Thursday, January 24th, 2008. Sophie Cloché presented the MT mission to this delegation. The presentation is available here. A particular emphasis has been made on the ScaRaB instrument to…
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25 novembre 2005
Scientific Meeting Paris January 12, 2005 Liste des participants au Meeting
25 novembre 2005
Scientific Meeting Paris January 12, 2005 The highlighted links are pointing at the Acrobat PDF version of the presentations.
25 novembre 2005
Second MEGHA-TROPIQUES Scientific Workshop Paris July 2-6, 2001 The highlighted links are pointing at the Acrobat PDF version of the proceeding.
25 novembre 2005
Second MEGHA-TROPIQUES Scientific Workshop Paris July 2-6, 2001 Working groups conclusions Following the presentation sessions, two working groups met on the subjects concerning science issues and data processing.