Author Archive: Administrator
1 mars 2002
D?ner de d?part d?Alexandre (Sacha) Gershunov ?usually in Scripps, San Diego), qui a pass? un s?jour de trois mois au LMD dans l??quipe CET (chercheur invit? Polytechnique). A.G. a travaill? avec R?my Roca, ? l?aide de m?thodes statistiques, sur des…
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1 mars 2002
A project of a multi-satellite data processing center dedicated to aerosols, water vapour, clouds and radiation (ICARE) is under study in France. CNES, CNRS and the North Region of France would be associated in this project. The center will be specially…
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8 février 2002
Juan Pardo (usually in Madrid University) is a CNRS-invited scientist in LERMA, Paris, where he works with Catherine Prigent. He has built a microwave radiative transfer code accounting for diffusion by cloud particles (ATM), which would be useful for the…
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1 janvier 2002
Dr. Fr?d?ric Taillade joined the project team at LMD to work on ScaRaB and SAPHIR.