Author Archive: Administrator
11 décembre 2012
An article pubished in the last ECMWF newsletter regarding the Earth observations from space describes the Megha-Tropiques mission. A IXION (orbitography software) animation related to METOP A and B is also shown. The article is available at:
23 novembre 2012
The Earth Radiation Budget Workshop 2012 meeting was held in Princeton (NJ) in USA from October 22th to October 22th at Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) with the CERES, GERB and ScaRaB teams. Eight people represented ScaRaB-3 on Megha-Tropiques at…
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9 novembre 2012
Michel Capderou presented the following paper at the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) symposium at Pasadena on October 29 to November 2, 2012: « ANALYSIS OF THE MEGHA-TROPIQUES TRAJECTORY. DETERMINATION OF RENDEZ-VOUS CONDITIONS WITH THE TERRA SATELLITE » . Michel Capderou(1),…
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22 octobre 2012
The 6th International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG) meeting was held in Sao José Dos Campos in Brazil from October 15th to October 19th at Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). IPWG is part of the Coordination Group for…
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30 août 2012
Dans le hors série des Dossiers de la Recherche de Juin 2012 (pages 55-59 du hors-série n°49), figure un encart sur Megha-Tropiques à l’occasion d’un article spécial de 4 pages sur la recherche sur les cyclones à Météo-France. L’article est disponible sur le…
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