In preparation to the Brazilian participation to GPM , the CHUVA project ( ) is carrying out field experiments at seven sites to investigate the different precipitation regimes in Brazil. These field campaigns are making use of dual polarization radar, lidar, microwave radiometers, disdrometer, radiosonde and various other instruments. These data is of interest for various aspects of MT GV and BRAIN parameterization.
In addition our brazilian colleagues are gathering a brazil wide data base of real time rainfall data as part of the new CEMADEN « Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desatres Naturais ». In english I guess that could be National Centre for Natural disasters Monitoring and Alerts’.

Above, the CEMADEN data base will include raingages data from 5 different sources as well as radar data (Weather services, INPE, Water, hydrological, Agronomical ) giving an unprecedented density.
Courtesy Carlos Frederico Angelis, INPE, Director of CEMADEN.