French scientists meet around Megha-Tropiques in Bordeaux

Last week we organized a 3-days workshop where 50-60 people from a large number of research laboratories all over the country, actively participated. 4 years after a first encounter in La Rochelle, the meeting has permitted to showcase the status of the science around Megha-Tropiques and its progress over the recent years. It also gather the team of scientists that will form the Megha-tropiques French Science team. The topics of interests span a wide domain, ranging from tropical meteorology and hydrology to microphyiscs and scaterring radiative transfer in the micro wave region ! The agenda of the discussions is available here and soon will also be the presentations. Beyond the actual science, the participants enjoyed being all together (the exceptionnal weather and the local gastronomy clearly contributed !). And it was  nice wittnessing the french tropical science community gearing up for the use of its  new tool.   
All are now eagerly awaiting the data !