29 oct-2 nov 2012: Megha-Tropiques at the 23rd ISSFD (JPL / Pasadena, California, USA)

Michel Capderou presented the following paper at the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD)
symposium at Pasadena on October 29 to November 2, 2012:
Michel Capderou(1), Florent Deleflie(2), and Olivier Chomette(1)
(1)LMD-IPSL Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau, Michel.Capderou@lmd.polytechnique.fr
(2)IMCCE/GRGS, Observatoire de Paris, F-75014 Paris, Florent.Deleflie@imcce.fr

 The International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) symposium is series of conferences providing an international forum for specialist in the field of space flight dynamics. It is sponsored by various space agencies, including APL, CNES, DLR/GSOC, ESA/ESOC, INPE, JAXA/ISAS, KIAM, NASA/GSFC, and JPL.  

The symposia take place at an interval of about 18 months, and the sponsor agencies and centers take turns to organize it. This year JPL organized the 23rd edition of the ISSFD at Pasadena on October 29 to November 2, 2012.
Areas of interest for these symposia include Orbit theory, Mission and trajectory design, Tracking and orbit determination, Maneuver design, Flight dynamics operations. 

The main objective of this paper consists in analyzing to which extent an analytical propagation of the equations of motion is adapted or not to predict, accurately enough, the rendez-vous conditions between the two spacecrafts Megha-Tropiques and Terra. A rendez-vous configuration that occurred on 17th April 2012 is carefully analyzed, after determining the conditions in space and in time for which the observations between the two satellites can be overlapped. Based on the examples that we examined here, it seems that determining rendez-vous conditions 10 days prior to the event leads, with IXION software, to results that are fully compatible with the requirements of the experiment. A slight difference in time and in location can be observed between the results obtained with TLE data sets referenced at various epochs (typically: 1 day, 5 days), but both can be used.

Find Paper enclosed here