Author Archive: Administrator
16 juillet 2012
Marielle Gosset and Nicolas Viltard were representing the Megha-Tropiques mission at the 5th GPM-Ground Validation workshop in Toronto, Canada. The workshop took place at Environment Canada from the 10th to the 12th of July and held about 80 participants from…
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13 juillet 2012
The first Radio-Sounding Campaign dedicated to MT-SAPHIR based Water Vapor products validation covered the 29th May – 11th June (15 days) thanks to a lot of support from ASECNA (Agence pour la SECurité de la NAvigation Aerienne en Afrique et…
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6 juillet 2012
Special web pages are available on the current validation campaign of MT on the Super site of Ouagadougou. In particular you can see the latest radar quicklooks:
6 juillet 2012
MSG-3 was successfully launched from Kourou. The payloads are SEVIRI and Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB). GERB will be switched on a week later after launch. GERB testing will involve in particular our colleagues from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)…
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26 juin 2012
For each satellite, the IXION software, devlopped at LMD, provides three relevant informations: – Orbit (map with the satellite ground track) – Local view (overpass schedule for a given location), – Sampling (monthly table of overpasses). With this new…
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