10 January 2012: Farewell to the Americas, Thomas and Philippe !

Our two long lasting collaborators, Thomas Fiolleau and Philippe Chambon who both achieved their PHDs in the MT French group are now heading for postdoctoral experiences. Thomas has recently joined the CEMADEN, in Brazil where he works on the fusion of multisource observations of convective systems in a operational forecasting environment. There he is working with Drs Carlos Frederico Angelis and Luis Augusto Machado. Philippe is about to join the NASA Goddard to investigate the assimilation techniques developped in the GPM framework. He will work there with Drs Arthur Hou and Sarah Zhang.

Thomas’s contribution to the MT mission corresponds to the MCS tracking and compositing products  and Philippe developped and implemented the TAPEER-BRAIN product, our 1degre/1day surface accumulated rainfall (and errors estimates) product.

We all wish you a fantastic experience in your respective new and exciting work enviroment !